Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Posting Animal/product Ads online

Ok, So Im guilty of being a craiglist junkie..Even if I'm not going to buy anything I like to peruse...I also have alot of ads out there for horses for sale, tack for sale, and puppies when I have them.. I try to give plenty of info about the item for sale so I dont get stupid questions... Oh, but low and behold I always get a few..
I put a cheapy saddle on craiglist for $250.. No name but in good condition.. Pictures show no back cinch billets on the saddle and I didnt mention there were any because um... THE PICTURES DIDNT SHOW ANY!!.. So this guy wastes my time emailing me back and forth like 5 times then he asks if I have the back cinch and latigos (of course spelled wrong). I told him no but it did have the off billet, the latigo for the cinch with the saddle and I also had 2 back cinch billets, and a back cinch I would be willing to sell seperately.. No response....So a day later I email him and ask if he is still interested... I get a response... "I guess not."
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If you waste someones time responding to a product for sale at least be decent enough to let them know you apperciate their time but you arent interested at this time....
JEEZ!! How hard is it to be decent?!!

My other rant is about people mispelling things in their ads.... OR giving ZERO info about what they are selling...
I saw one ad today for a Blue Nose Male Pit For Stud *HEADDESK* Ok ok ok, lets forget that this is a PIT at stud (he had bad conformation and was ugly to boot *UGH*).. The pics included were AWFUL..and it simply said.. Cowboy is offering his stud services.. Not a violent dog.. Call (***)***-****.. Great discription asshat.. Neuter that POS and then sign yourself up to get a vasectomy/tubes tied whichever applies to you... How can anyone take you seriously when you cant post simple info about your animal??

Ugh.. Now I have a headache... Soooo... enjoy..

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