Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So its been raining continuously over the last week.. This is the first day of sun and warm we had..There is mud and water EVERYWHERE .. but the horses dont care... I've also taken on the care of my 10 yr old nephew... What a task but hes trying to be a good kid...

So my blog this week follows an ad I read about responses on craigist (I didnt actually see the ad)
But I guess it was about a lady wanting to breed a mare (no biggy right) BUT this lady has rescue ads, not only that has been posting ads begging for hay, horse care items, and a HORSE TRAILER.. UGH... Ok lets forget that this woman is begging for feed and other horsey items if your running a rescue should you really be breeding?? Your saving unwanted horses-yet your contributing to the problem by breeding... I dont know what kind of mare she was wanting to breed or if it was truely a quality animal worth reproducing, I DO know she only wanted to pay $300 dollars.. NOW, It is rare to find a stallion that is worthy of breeding (even if it is his first year at stud) for under $500... Sure you can find some crooked legged, ewe necked fugly stallion that his owner swears is the bee's knees for $150- $300... Or even some disgusting pony or mini that you can breed for $50... Does that mean you should?? HELL NO!!
Just like with dogs and cats... Just cause you have a dog,cat, horse, whatever doesnt mean it is worthy of reproducing- no matter how GREAT you think it is.. Now I'm not just talking about female animals... Im talking about males too....Just because it has a uterus or testicle doesnt mean it should breed... You should research the issues that can come with leaving an animal intact

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