Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do whats best for YOU..

So recently Ive started giving beginner lessons.. I mean beginner beginner.. This is how you safetly catch your horse, this is how you groom correctly, this is how you saddle-and so on..
I have one lady that, god love her, she is the sweetest lady and is in her mid 60's... However, she has the rudest, pushiest, ill mannered horses I have ever come across.. No regard for personal space and just take her where they want.. One mare will even face up and charge you in the round pen if she doesn't like what your doing with her..Luckily the almost 2 yr old daughter to this filly is much nicer and a quicker learner.. To top it off this woman is plain unconfident...She has a husband who is the "old cowboy" beat em' into submission type. I dont really know how experienced he is.. I did explain to this woman that there is a reason these "old" methods werent in practice anymore-THEY ARE OUTDATED AND WE AS HORSEMEN FOUND A BETTER, KINDER WAY TO DO THINGS! Now, she's a very willing learner and trys very hard, she is always there when I ride her pony and work her 2 yr old. She LOOOOOVVEESS her horses.. One that LOOOVVVVEESSS her horses so much she lets them get away with unforgivable rudeness.. So far I've corrected alot of bad behavior..
Now, in a combination with beginner lessons and me riding her, cute as a doll, welsh pony she is getting confident enough to start riding again..We got on the topic of helmets..She told me, "I wanted a helmet, but my husband said I dont need one." My jaw hit the floor. So I asked her, "Who's gonna be wearing the helmet?", She said, "Me.", I asked, "Do you think you need one? Do you think it would improve your confidence, and make you feel safer.", She responded, "Yes."
I said, "Then you need one. Who cares if your husband doesnt think you need one.Your the one wearing it and if it will make you feel better, then you get a helmet."
The next day she went to my work (I wasnt there) and found a helmet. She proceeded to tell the girl who helped her how glad she was I was working her horses, and how I sacked out her filly the day before. In her words and I quote, "I'm so glad Jo did it. Had my husband done it he would have ended up beating on her." The sales girl was flabbergasted... She asked me if the lady was over exxagerating or joking.. I told her not from what I had heard.
This nice ladie's husband also told her she needed spurs, and insisted on her wearing them.. She wasn't comfortable with them and quit using them.She said she didnt feel experienced enough to be using them. Her pony can be sensitive and jumpy. I am so proud of her being a beginner and using good judgement.. So I''ve been working on slowing her pony down so she can sit him comfortably...She said shes always had to "keep up" with her husband who rides like an old cowboy (balls to the wall? *head desk* So I told her she needed to ride at a pace that was comfortable for her not what was good for her husband. If he got impatient he should ride ahead and she could catch up later..She was pleased with this answer and smiled..
I see this lady within a couple of months being a completely different rider.. Ill try to keep updated on her progress...

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